
藍帶初級 基礎甜點第9週 Basic Pastry: Week 9

Charlotte au Chocolat –
Chocolate Bavarian cream cake encased in light chocolate biscuit sponge cake with chocolate flowers.This week is all about mousse, cream, and how to use chocolate creatively. We learned different techniques of how to make elaborate decorations such as flowers and patters.

Forest Noire –
Black Forest Cake layered with cherry compote with whip cream, and finished with chocolate.

Gateau Chantilly aux Fraises –
Strawberry cake with whip cream sponge cake layered with whipped cream and strawberries

aux Fruits de la Passion –
Passion fruit Bavarian cream which is encased in a light vanilla biscuit sponge cake.



食譜 Recipe: Brownies布朗尼(簡單 Easy)



1.      好的黑巧克力 dark chocolate 不建議用牛奶巧克力
2.      要蜂蜜代替部份糖類,因為蜂蜜會增加保濕
3.      加一些些即溶咖啡,咖啡跟巧克力非常合,它會幫助帶出巧克力的味道

I am a big fan of chocolate and very strict about its quality. Even with the most common baked products, such as brownies, I believe in only using the finest quality cacao.
Brownies should always be moist and very dense, with at least two layers. The top part should be dry but the bottom part should be moist. Because real chocolate is very heavy, it always settles to the bottom while baking.

The key to making fantastic brownies:
1. Using the best quality dark chocolate available.
2. Whisk the batter in moderately. Brownies do not contain as much air as cakes do. This is why we don’t use baking soda or powder in brownies.
3. Use honey as a substitution for sugar. Honey contributes to the moisture content of the brownies.
4. Another option is to add a dash of instant coffee. It pairs very well with chocolate. You won’t actually taste coffee but it helps to strengthen the taste of chocolate.

·     150 g dark chocolate,chopped 黑巧克力
·      60 g butter 奶油
·      75 g eggs
·      40 g brown sugar 黃糖
·      30g honey 蜂蜜
·      50 g plain flour 低筋麵粉
·     1/4 tbsp vanilla extract 香草精
·     15 ml  instant coffee 即溶黑咖啡

1.  預熱烤箱180
2.  用微波爐溶化巧克力和奶油(不要過度加熱,兩者可一起溶化,稍微放涼)
3.  將蛋,,蜂蜜,香草精一起攪拌(糖溶解就好,不要過度攪拌,布朗尼不需要太多空氣)
4.  加入溶化巧克力,即溶黑咖啡和奶油扮勻
5.  加入過篩的麵粉至看不見粉就好
6. 20-30分鐘,中間用叉子插一下叉子是乾淨的就好了

1. Preheat the oven to 180C
2. Melt the chocolate and butter together in a microwave. Allow to cool slightly.
3. Whisk together the eggs, sugar, honey, instant coffee and vanilla
4. Pour in the chocolate mixture and sift in the flour.
5. Stir gently and thoroughly until combined
6. Bake for about 20-30 minutes until you can run a knife through the center and comes out dry.


英國倫敦 Pieminister

If like pies, you’ll love the aptly named pie shop, Pieminister.
Renowned for wining many top honors, such as Best British Pie from 2009 to 2010 and Great Taste awards from 2005 to 2010, this shop has a variety of wonderful pies from savory to sweets.

I would recommend their award winning “Heidi” Pie, which contains goat cheese, sweet potato, spinach, red onion, and roasted garlic.

如果你喜歡派,一定不要錯過Pieminister.這家已經兩次得到英國最佳派大獎和連續五年最佳口味獎Great Taste Awards.

它有甜派(蘋果派..)和鹹派(牛肉派,雞肉派…..).但是千萬不要錯過它最著名的Heidi pie 內含羊起司,地瓜,菠菜….


英國倫敦 The Flour Station 麵包房

The Flour Station originated from Jamie Olive’s famous “Fifteen” restaurants in London in 2002 by hand making artisan bread with traditional baking methods.

Over the years, it has continuously been selected as one of London’s ten best bakeries by Time Out magazine, and they’ve also won the Great Taste Award several times.

The Flour Station 麵包房是起於2002年主廚Jamie Olive 的著名餐廳Fifteen,
它以傳統方式製作麵包聞名.這幾年來獲得數次Great Taste Awards,也被Time Out雜誌票選為倫敦十大最好麵包店之一.



藍帶初級 基礎甜點第8週 Basic Pastry: Week 8

Genoise a la Confiture de Framboises=Genoise sponge layered with raspberry jam

This is a sponge cake with handmade raspberry jam and covered with butter cream.
I like the jam very much, because it tastes totally different from any mass-produced jams you can get from a supermarket. The handmade jam is made directly from high quality raspberry and is specially fresh and aromatic.

Genoise a la Roulade=Genoise sponge roll

This is sponge cake filled with handmade raspberry jam and it is covered with butter cream to become a Swiss roll.



Gateau Alhambra
Moist chocolate and hazelnut sponge cake, layered with a chocolate ganache and enrobed in chocolate glaze
If you are a big fan of chocolate, this is definitely for you.

最後在淋上巧克力鏡面(chocolate glaze)


藍帶初級 基礎甜點第7週 Basic Pastry: Week 7

This week we learn how to make three different types of bread:
Soda bread
Brown bread
White bread

Each recipe required us to use a ‘straight mixing’ method. This means to mix all ingredients together. Normally, I prefer bread made by a traditional method, with low fermentation and without sugar or butter.
Also, we learned how to make very traditional French desserts like madeleines, Gateau au Citron (lemon cake), Gateau aux Fruits Confits (light fruit cake), as well as Pain de Genes a la Pistache (traditional almond and Pistachio cake).

這週學如何做麵包,以前在台灣我都自己做麵包很少去麵包店買麵包,因為我非常愛吃麵包,而且很要求麵粉和其他成份的來源,不太能接受一般用商業酵母速成的麵包.這次學校教的麵包因為時間的關係用直接混合法也不是我喜歡的麵包種類,不過chef做了好多不同形狀麵團除麵包外,還學幾百年來法國傳統小點心Madeleines, 檸檬蛋糕,水果蛋糕,杏仁蛋糕

英國倫敦 Notting Hill Market 露天市場

Notting Hill Market is famous for its exciting atmosphere and interesting antiques, but I would definitely recommend a visit to any of the various food shops there, too

The fruit and vegetables as well as the bread are sold directly from farmers and bakers in the region. It’s a great place to take in while enjoying a delicious snack.

Notting Hill 是倫敦最著名的週末露天市場也是最大規模市場之一,整條街非常的長,販賣的東西只要是以古董物品為主,也穿插小型的蔬果熟食市集,蔬果直接經由農夫販售比一般超市還要便宜新鮮.尤其是麵包蛋糕都是自家烘培非常美味可口,下次有機會來這裡逛逛不妨在此享用午餐.


英國倫敦 The Hummingbird Bakery

The Hummingbird Bakery is famous for its wide variety of cupcakes. It’s a very popular shop because of their cute and colorful baked goods.

When I arrived there, people were already standing in line for these present-like cup cakes.

Surprisingly the chocolate cupcakes are not as sweet as I thought it would be. The batter is very soft and light. The baker doesn’t seem to use a traditional way to make these cupcakes by creaming butter and sugar together. Most likely, they use a chiffon method to make their cake batter. In my opinion, they do a marvelous job at whisking the egg whites to reach the right texture, creating a special softness for cupcakes.



英國倫敦 Princi Bakery


This is a very unique bakery with its own wood-stone oven.
Wood-stone ovens are every baker’s dream. They can reach 400-500 degrees consistently. These ovens bake bread twice as fast and compliment the high moisture content and flavor of the dough. This is why most professional Italian pizza makers always choose stone ovens for a higher quality baked product.

Rye flour is many times more expensive than white bread flour, because it’s rare and very good for health. This type of bread definitely is not easy to make. First, every bread maker knows that when dough contains a high amount of water, it becomes very hard to handle or shape. Second, the sour taste shows that the baker uses a very traditional way of raising the dough without adding commercial yeast.


藍帶初級 基礎甜點第6週 Basic Pastry: Week 6

這週chef繼續教我們如何利用puff pastry 千層酥皮派做出餅乾和水果卡士達餡千層派.

This week we’re still working on our puff pastry and how to use it to create different baked products, such as Palmiers, Bande Feuillete aux Fruits de Saison.
Palmiers are Crisp Puff Pastry Biscuits.

Bande Feuilletee aux Fruits de Saison is mixed seasonal fruits in sliced puff pastry.
Also, I learned how to prepare choux pastry to make puffs. Although I have made puffs many times, this week class I learned how to use choux pastry to create various shapes and decorations.

Palmiers contain a lot of sugar and are brushed with melted butter. When baking, the heat turns butter and sugars into beautiful caramel. These small biscuits are very crispy and smell heavenly.


英國倫敦:近三百年的糕點店 Nearly Three-hundred year old bakery

Nearly Three-hundred Year Old Original Maids of Honour Bakery and Restaurant


Recently, I visited the world renowned Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. However, my true reason for my visit wasn't just to explore world's largest collection of living plants.
Located adjacent from Kew Gardens is the nearly three-hundred year old Original Maids of Honour bakery and restaurant.
This historical establishment is named after cakes which Henry VIII, King of England, believed to be so special he demanded the recipe for himself. He later kept this secret tart recipe in a locked iron box at Richmond Palace. But, as the century's passed this unique recipe gradually became available to the public in the late 1700's.

佔地非常廣大.可以逛上一整天.身為糕點迷的我,吸引我的是植物園對面近三百年的糕點店, Original Maids of Honor bakery. 名字的由來是一位服侍16世紀英國國王亨利八世的女士,替國王做了Maid of Honour蛋糕.
