
藍帶初級 基礎甜點第6週 Basic Pastry: Week 6

這週chef繼續教我們如何利用puff pastry 千層酥皮派做出餅乾和水果卡士達餡千層派.

This week we’re still working on our puff pastry and how to use it to create different baked products, such as Palmiers, Bande Feuillete aux Fruits de Saison.
Palmiers are Crisp Puff Pastry Biscuits.

Bande Feuilletee aux Fruits de Saison is mixed seasonal fruits in sliced puff pastry.
Also, I learned how to prepare choux pastry to make puffs. Although I have made puffs many times, this week class I learned how to use choux pastry to create various shapes and decorations.

Palmiers contain a lot of sugar and are brushed with melted butter. When baking, the heat turns butter and sugars into beautiful caramel. These small biscuits are very crispy and smell heavenly.

