
英國倫敦 Pieminister

If like pies, you’ll love the aptly named pie shop, Pieminister.
Renowned for wining many top honors, such as Best British Pie from 2009 to 2010 and Great Taste awards from 2005 to 2010, this shop has a variety of wonderful pies from savory to sweets.

I would recommend their award winning “Heidi” Pie, which contains goat cheese, sweet potato, spinach, red onion, and roasted garlic.

如果你喜歡派,一定不要錯過Pieminister.這家已經兩次得到英國最佳派大獎和連續五年最佳口味獎Great Taste Awards.

它有甜派(蘋果派..)和鹹派(牛肉派,雞肉派…..).但是千萬不要錯過它最著名的Heidi pie 內含羊起司,地瓜,菠菜….

