
食譜Recipe: 巧克力餅乾 Chocolate Cookies(簡單Easy)

我的巧克力餅乾食譜是由Rachelle Allen的原味餅乾改良而成的,加入我最愛的巧克力和少許的薑讓這個巧克力餅乾吃起來不會膩和太甜.在灑上像雪一般的白糖做裝飾,讓餅乾多一個不同的口感.這是一次有三重享受的獨一無二的巧克力餅乾.
附註:你可以加幾乎任何你喜歡的東西在Rachelle Allen 的原味餅乾裡.例如,肉桂,蔓越梅乾,葡萄乾,巧克力豆,花生醬….很簡單你就可以輕易創造出自己獨一無二好吃的餅乾了.

By adding my favorite chocolate and a small amount of ground ginger, followed by a dusting of caster sugar you can create simple and delicious cookies. 
This is a basic cookies recipe, but you can create almost any kind of cookies you desire by adding creative dry ingredients such as cranberries, poppy seeds, chopped peanuts, raisin, chocolate chunks, or cinnamon.
You can easily make your own unique and tasty cookies:

Ingredients 成分
·        225 g         butter at room temperature 室溫奶油
·        110 g         caster sugar 白糖
·         275 g         plain flour 低筋麵粉
·         70 g           melted chocolate 溶化巧克力
·         10 g           ground ginger 薑末

1.      預熱烤箱至攝氏170
2.      用打蛋器或攪拌機將奶油打軟至鮮奶油狀.加入糖繼續打至泛白
3.      加入溶化巧克力(微波加熱巧克力至溶化)和磨很細的薑混和均勻.(可不加)
4.      加入過篩的所有粉類,攪拌至麵團可以形成球狀就好了
5.      用手將麵團分成約35-40個小球,用濕的手掌(或湯匙,叉子背後)壓扁小球
6.      小心將餅乾移至放涼的架子上

1. Preheat the oven to 170c
2. Cream the butter in a large bowl or in a food mixer until soft. Add the sugar and beat until the mixture is fluffy.
3. Add in melted chocolate and ground ginger and mix well (or any other ingredients if using).
4. Sift in the flour and other dry ingredients
5. Mix together to form a firm dough.
6. Using your hands, roll the dough into walnut-sized balls and place them slightly apart on a baking tray (no need to grease or line). Flatten them slightly with the back of a damp fork and bake in the oven for 13–15 minutes, or until they are light golden brown and slightly firm on top.
7. Carefully transfer the cookies to a wire rack to cool.

Adapted from http://www.lifestylefood.com.au/recipes/8947/basic-cookie-recipe

