
英國倫敦 Notting Hill Market 露天市場

Notting Hill Market is famous for its exciting atmosphere and interesting antiques, but I would definitely recommend a visit to any of the various food shops there, too

The fruit and vegetables as well as the bread are sold directly from farmers and bakers in the region. It’s a great place to take in while enjoying a delicious snack.

Notting Hill 是倫敦最著名的週末露天市場也是最大規模市場之一,整條街非常的長,販賣的東西只要是以古董物品為主,也穿插小型的蔬果熟食市集,蔬果直接經由農夫販售比一般超市還要便宜新鮮.尤其是麵包蛋糕都是自家烘培非常美味可口,下次有機會來這裡逛逛不妨在此享用午餐.

