
食譜 Recipe: Laduree's Chocolate Macaroons 巧克力馬卡龍 (中級 intermediate )

Ingredients 材料
  • 134 g confectioner’s sugar 糖粉
  • 70g ground almonds 杏仁粉
  • 2 egg whites 蛋白
  • An appropriate filling  ( Nutella goes perfectly with chocolate macarons) 榛果巧克力醬或任何果醬
  • 13g cocoa powder 可可粉

Method 做法

    1. 過篩杏仁粉,可可粉,糖粉至少兩次
    2. 打發蛋白至堅挺,分次加入杏仁粉,可可粉與糖粉,小心拌勻
    3. 將馬卡龍擠在不沾黏的烤紙上,約十元硬幣大小
    4. 室溫下靜置20分鐘,預熱烤箱180度
    5. 烤10分鐘
    6. 取出放涼,小心移除馬卡龍
    7. 在馬卡龍中間擠上一些榛果巧克力醬或任何果醬,將2個馬卡龍黏在一起.
1.     Preheat the oven to 355°F (180°C). Line two baking trays with parchment paper.
2.     Sift confectioner’s sugar, ground almonds and cocoa powder (at least twice) 
3.     Beat the egg whites in bowl with an electric mixer at medium speed and then increase speed to high and continue to beat until the whites just hold stiff, glossy peaks.
4.    Quickly and carefully add the mixed almond, sugar and cocoa powder. (Meringue will deflate.)
5.    With a wooden spoon, mix from the center of the bowl outwards, turning the bowl as you go. You want to achieve a smooth, lightly colored mixture.
6.    Spoon batter into a piping bag with a 1/4-inch round tip. If you don’t have a piping bag, use a plastic freezer bag, pressing out excess air. Snip off one corner to create a 1/4-inch opening. Pipe inch-wide macaroons onto the baking trays, about 1-1/2 inches apart. You should have peaked mounds of batter, about the size of a chocolate kiss.
7.    Cook for eight to nine minutes, leaving the door of the oven slightly ajar.
8.    Remove the macaroons from the oven. Cool completely on racks, about 30 minutes.
9.    Carefully peel macaroons from parchment; they are fragile. Sandwich a thin layer of fillings between two macaroons—Nutella, jam or whipped cream. The two bottoms face the filling.
10.  If you can, leave the finished macaroons in the refrigerator for 24 hours. This allows the flavors and texture to develop and intensify.

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