
食譜 Recipe: Wholemeal Bread 全麥麵包(簡單 Easy)

Wholemeal Bread 全麥麵包
I bake everyday. I like making bread and enjoy kneading a dough. It's really amazing that just water, yeast, and flour can create such an astonishing smell of heaven.

Ingredients 材料

225g strong wholemeal flour 全麥麵粉
225g strong white flour 高筋麵粉
2 tsp easy blend yeast 2茶匙乾酵母
2 tsp salt  2茶匙鹽
3 tsp brown sugar 3茶匙糖
400ml warm water 室溫水
50g melted, unsalted butter 融化無鹽奶油,室溫

Method 做法

1. 混合所有乾的材料. 加水與奶油攪拌均勻(太乾加點水,太濕加點麵粉),麵團應形成一球.
2. 在桌面上撒些麵粉,將麵團移至桌上,揉10-15分鐘直到麵團表面平滑,不黏手.
3. 用濕布將麵團蓋起來發酵,直到麵團兩倍大.
4. 略拍扁麵團,整形成球狀.再用濕布將麵團蓋起來發酵,直到兩倍大.
5. 預熱烤箱至220度(至少要在烤前15分鐘預熱)烤20分鐘,降火至200度,繼續烤15-20分鐘.直到麵包表面和底部都成金黃色.

1.Tip the flours, yeast, salt and sugar into a bowl and mix well. Add 300ml water, and stir in well, then pour in the butter and work in well. You should have a soft, sticky dough: if not, add a little more water. Cover and leave for 10 minutes.
2. Tip out on to a lightly oiled work surface and knead for 10-15 minutes until the dough is very smooth and not sticky.  Then put back in the bowl and cover.  then leave the dough to rest until it is double in size.
3. Flatten the dough carefully and shape into a ball again. Cover and leave to rest in a warm place until it has doubled in size(at least 1½ hours).
4. Pre-heat the oven to 220C. Bake the bread for 20 minutes, then turn the temperature down to 200C and cook for a further 15–20 minutes, until the crust is a deep brown, and the loaf sounds hollow when tapped. Turn out on to a cooling rack.



藍帶中級 第1週 Intermediate Pastry: Week 1

Mille-Feuille aux Fraises (Strawberry Mille-Feuille) 草莓千層

Gateau St Honore


All of them are very, very, very tasty. My roommates and I finish all of them in just one day.


食譜 Recipe: Fresh Baked Fougasse - Served with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cracked Pepper and Sea Salt. 法式傳統普羅旺斯麵包 (Easy 簡單)

Fresh Baked Fougasse - Served with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cracked Pepper and Sea Salt. 法式傳統普羅旺斯麵包與橄欖油,胡椒,海鹽

                Make 4
                Ingredients 材料

·         10g fresh yeast (or 5g dry yeast) 10克新鮮酵母或5克乾酵母
·         500g/1lb 2oz strong bread flour 高筋麵粉
·         1 tsp salt 1茶匙鹽
·         350g/12oz water (weighing the water is more accurate) 水

    Method 做法
    1. 預熱烤箱至最熱的溫度(230-240C)
    2. 混和酵母和水
    3. 混和麵粉與鹽,在倒入已混和的酵母水.攪拌至成團
    4. 將麵團移至桌上,開始揉麵團約10分鐘,直到表面平滑,有彈力,而且麵團應該是不黏手.
    5. 蓋上濕毛巾,靜置麵團至少一小時,麵團應變兩倍大(時間長短要根據廚房的溫度) 
    6. 小心略拍平麵團,切成四個三角形
    7. 靜置5-10分鐘
    8. 在三角形麵團,中間切一刀,再左右兩邊各劃3-4刀,呈現葉子的形狀(請看圖片)
    9. 烤箱撒水,烤約10-12分鐘直到金黃.
    1. Preheat oven to its highest level.
    2. Rub the yeast into the flour (or mix in if using dried yeast). Add the remaining ingredients and the water. Mix for a couple of minutes until the dough starts to form.
    3. Transfer the dough onto your working surface. Continue to mix the ingredients by stretching out the dough and folding it over onto itself. Keep working the dough until it comes cleanly away from the work surface and is not sticky.
    4. Lightly flour the work surface, place the dough on the flour and form the dough into a ball.
    5. Place the dough into a mixing bowl and cover with a tea towel.
    6. Rest the dough for a minimum of an hour. Turn out gently onto a well-floured surface. Be careful not to deflate it but expect it to spread out to cover a square of your work surface. Generously flour the top of the dough, cover with a clean tea towel and rest for five minutes.
    7.  Using a plastic scraper (or a thin wooden spatula), divide the dough into two oblongs then cut each piece again into three roughly triangular strips. Make 1 large diagonal cut in each piece of dough, making sure you cut right through to the work surface but not through to the corners. Make 3 smaller diagonal cuts on each side of the central one. Gently open out the holes with your fingers and shake off the excess flour.
    8. Lift onto a lightly floured baking tray and slide onto the hot baking stone or tray in your oven. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes until golden brown.


    食譜 Recipe: Classical Chocolate Souffle' 經典巧克力舒芙雷(Easy 簡單)

    Classical Chocolate Soufflé 經典巧克力舒芙雷
    (The souffle' was twice higher when it was just out of the oven. You just have to take photos fast enough and dig in quickly

    Ingredients 材料

    • 30g/1oz melted butter, plus extra for greasing 奶油
    • 30g/1oz plain flour 低筋麵粉
    • 100ml/3½fl oz milk 牛奶
    • 1 free-range egg yolk 蛋黃
    • 55g/2oz dark chocolate, melted 融化的黑巧克力
    • 2 tbsp maple syrup, plus extra to serve 2大湯匙的楓糖漿(或蜂蜜)
    • 3 free-range egg white, whisked until stiff peaks form 打發蛋白至堅硬不會垂下來
    • icing sugar, for dusting 糖粉用來撒在烤好的舒芙雷上
    Method 做法

       1. 預熱烤箱200度
       2. 塗上一層奶油在裝舒芙雷的容器.先放下在一旁
       3. 在一鍋中,融化奶油,拌入麵粉攪拌均勻.煮約一分鐘離火.慢慢加入牛奶混和均勻.
       4  在另一碗中,混和蛋黃,融化巧克力,糖漿(或蜂蜜)
       5. 分次將3加入4,最後在分次混和打發至硬挺的蛋白.平分麵糊在2個舒芙雷容器中

    1. Preheat oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.
    2. Grease two ramekins with butter and set aside.
    3. Melt the butter in a small saucepan over a medium heat. Add the flour and stir to form a thick paste or roux. Cook for one minute then remove from the heat.
    4. Gradually add the milk, whisking continuously, until a thick and smooth sauce is formed.
    5. Mix the egg yolk, chocolate and maple syrup together in a separate bowl.
    6. Gradually add the white sauce to the chocolate mixture, stirring constantly.
    7. Carefully fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture, then fill the two ramekins with the soufflé mixture.  Bake for 8-10 minutes, until the soufflés have risen.
    8. To serve, place each soufflé onto the centre of a plate, dust with icing sugar and drizzle with maple syrup.


    食譜 Recipe: Scone with Fresh Basil, Cherry tomato, and Mozzarello Cheese. 全麥司康與起士,九層塔,番茄 (Easy 簡單)

    Wholemeal Scone. Serve with Grated Mozzarello Cheese, Fresh Basil, and Cherry Tomato.
    (You may just enjoy your scones in a very traditional way with nice clotted cream and jam.)

    Ingredients 材料
    (Ps. This recipe doesn't contain a lot of sugar and butter. If you like scones are sweeter and more buttery, you can add more sugar and butter.
    • 225g/8oz pain flour (I use half wholemeal flour, half pain flour) 低筋麵粉(我用一半全麥,一半低筋)
    • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder 泡打粉
    • pinch salt 少許鹽
    • 25g/1oz sugar 糖
    • 50g/2oz unsalted butter, slightly softened 無鹽奶油
    • 150ml/¼ pint milk 牛奶
    • 1 egg, beaten, or plain flour for brushing or dusting 1個蛋稍微攪拌,刷在要送入烤箱的司康上,或麵粉,或在司康上撒些麵粉
    Method 做法
        1. 預熱烤箱220度
        2. 過篩麵粉(全麥麵粉不用過篩),泡打粉,鹽
        3. 加入糖,奶油.用手將奶油搓小並均勻分佈其中
        4. 慢慢加入牛奶直到成為平滑的麵團(我並沒有加入所有的牛奶,麵團應該是不黏手的)
        5. 靜置麵團5-15分鐘
        6. 將麵團桿至2公分厚度,用切成直徑5公分的圓形(無法切成圓形,就切成正分形.形狀並不會影
        7. 刷上蛋液或撒上些麵粉,放司空在不黏的烤盤上
        8. 烤10-12分鐘直到金黃色

    1. Pre-heat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7
    2. Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Stir in the sugar, add the butter and rub quickly into the flour, creating a fine breadcrumb consistency.
    3. Add the milk, a little at a time, working to a smooth dough. (I didn't put in all the milk,because if I did, the batter would be too wet and sticky)
    4. This is now best left to rest for 5-15 minutes before rolling.
    5. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured work surface until 2cm/¾in thick. Using a 5cm/2in pastry cutter, cut the dough, using one sharp tap and not twisting the dough as you cut. Twisting the scone mix will result in an uneven rising.
    6. Once cut, the scones can be either brushed with the beaten egg for a shiny glaze, or dusted with the flour for a matt finish.
    7. Place the scones on a greased baking tray and bake in the pre-heated oven for 10-12 minutes until golden brown. Allow to cool slightly, and serve while still warm.


    食譜 Recipe: Sole à la meunière with spinach Serve with fruit salad, and homemade wholemeal bread. For dessert, homemade white chocolate truffle dusted with cocoa powder.鱈魚排與菠菜和水果沙拉,加上自製全麥麵包與自製白巧克力松露撒上可可粉

    Sole/Cod fillet with spinach. Serve with fruit salad, and homemade wholemeal bread. For dessert, homemade white chocolate truffle dusted with cocoa powder.

    Sole à la meunière

    1 大匙 麵粉
    1/2大匙 切碎的巴西利(或香菜)



    ·         1 tbsp plain flour
    ·         salt and freshly ground black pepper 
    ·         1 sole/cod fillets, skin removed
    ·         25g/2oz butter, softened
    ·         1/2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
    ·         1/2 lemon, juice only
    Preparation method
    1. Sift the flour onto a large plate and season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper. Pat the fish fillets dry with kitchen paper, then dredge them in the flour, until lightly coated on both sides.
    2. Spread half of the butter over the top of each coated sole fillet.
    3. Heat a large non-reactive frying pan over a medium heat, then place the sole fillets, buttered sides down, into the pan and gently fry for 2-3 minutes, or until golden-brown.
    4. Carefully turn over the fish fillets and fry for a further 2-3 minutes on the other side, until the sole is golden-brown and cooked through.
    5. Transfer one cooked sole fillet to each of two warm serving plates.
    6. Add the remaining butter to the pan the fish was cooked in and increase the heat to high. When the butter is foaming, add the parsley and lemon juice and stir for 10-15 seconds.
    7. To serve, spoon the lemon butter sauce over the sole. Serve immediately.


    Here I am in Paris.
    If you are passionate about food, this is the place to be. People care a great deal about the quality of the food they eat. Here I found myself easily spending two hours at breakfast, three hours at lunch, another three hours at dinner.

    Great restaurants/ bakeries

    Great food/meals/desserts 



    Belgium 比利時
    Brugge 布魯日是一個非常可愛美麗的中世紀小城.就像散步在童話故事中

    Brugge is definitely a very beautiful, wonderful and friendly city. No rush at all. Fancy restaurants, yummy waffles, delicious mussels and fries, absolutely amazing chocolate stores.
    I can't think of any reason not to come back again.

    Great meals

    Must buy chocolate 比利時巧克力

    藍帶初級 基礎甜點第12週 Basic Pastry: Week 12

    Delicious Truffles


    藍帶初級 基礎甜點第11週 Basic Pastry: Week 11

    My beautiful pink Macarons

    藍帶初級 基礎甜點第10週 Basic Pastry: Week 10

    Chef makes Charlotte aux Fraises(Strawberry Mousse encased in Light Sponge)

    I like the sweetness and sourness of blackcurrant, so I make blackcurrent mousse instead.
    Charlotte aux Casis(Blackcurrant Mousse encased in Light Sponge)