
食譜 Recipe: Fresh Baked Fougasse - Served with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cracked Pepper and Sea Salt. 法式傳統普羅旺斯麵包 (Easy 簡單)

Fresh Baked Fougasse - Served with Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Cracked Pepper and Sea Salt. 法式傳統普羅旺斯麵包與橄欖油,胡椒,海鹽

                Make 4
                Ingredients 材料

·         10g fresh yeast (or 5g dry yeast) 10克新鮮酵母或5克乾酵母
·         500g/1lb 2oz strong bread flour 高筋麵粉
·         1 tsp salt 1茶匙鹽
·         350g/12oz water (weighing the water is more accurate) 水

    Method 做法
    1. 預熱烤箱至最熱的溫度(230-240C)
    2. 混和酵母和水
    3. 混和麵粉與鹽,在倒入已混和的酵母水.攪拌至成團
    4. 將麵團移至桌上,開始揉麵團約10分鐘,直到表面平滑,有彈力,而且麵團應該是不黏手.
    5. 蓋上濕毛巾,靜置麵團至少一小時,麵團應變兩倍大(時間長短要根據廚房的溫度) 
    6. 小心略拍平麵團,切成四個三角形
    7. 靜置5-10分鐘
    8. 在三角形麵團,中間切一刀,再左右兩邊各劃3-4刀,呈現葉子的形狀(請看圖片)
    9. 烤箱撒水,烤約10-12分鐘直到金黃.
    1. Preheat oven to its highest level.
    2. Rub the yeast into the flour (or mix in if using dried yeast). Add the remaining ingredients and the water. Mix for a couple of minutes until the dough starts to form.
    3. Transfer the dough onto your working surface. Continue to mix the ingredients by stretching out the dough and folding it over onto itself. Keep working the dough until it comes cleanly away from the work surface and is not sticky.
    4. Lightly flour the work surface, place the dough on the flour and form the dough into a ball.
    5. Place the dough into a mixing bowl and cover with a tea towel.
    6. Rest the dough for a minimum of an hour. Turn out gently onto a well-floured surface. Be careful not to deflate it but expect it to spread out to cover a square of your work surface. Generously flour the top of the dough, cover with a clean tea towel and rest for five minutes.
    7.  Using a plastic scraper (or a thin wooden spatula), divide the dough into two oblongs then cut each piece again into three roughly triangular strips. Make 1 large diagonal cut in each piece of dough, making sure you cut right through to the work surface but not through to the corners. Make 3 smaller diagonal cuts on each side of the central one. Gently open out the holes with your fingers and shake off the excess flour.
    8. Lift onto a lightly floured baking tray and slide onto the hot baking stone or tray in your oven. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes until golden brown.

