
食譜 Recipe: Scone with Fresh Basil, Cherry tomato, and Mozzarello Cheese. 全麥司康與起士,九層塔,番茄 (Easy 簡單)

Wholemeal Scone. Serve with Grated Mozzarello Cheese, Fresh Basil, and Cherry Tomato.
(You may just enjoy your scones in a very traditional way with nice clotted cream and jam.)

Ingredients 材料
(Ps. This recipe doesn't contain a lot of sugar and butter. If you like scones are sweeter and more buttery, you can add more sugar and butter.
  • 225g/8oz pain flour (I use half wholemeal flour, half pain flour) 低筋麵粉(我用一半全麥,一半低筋)
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder 泡打粉
  • pinch salt 少許鹽
  • 25g/1oz sugar 糖
  • 50g/2oz unsalted butter, slightly softened 無鹽奶油
  • 150ml/¼ pint milk 牛奶
  • 1 egg, beaten, or plain flour for brushing or dusting 1個蛋稍微攪拌,刷在要送入烤箱的司康上,或麵粉,或在司康上撒些麵粉
Method 做法
    1. 預熱烤箱220度
    2. 過篩麵粉(全麥麵粉不用過篩),泡打粉,鹽
    3. 加入糖,奶油.用手將奶油搓小並均勻分佈其中
    4. 慢慢加入牛奶直到成為平滑的麵團(我並沒有加入所有的牛奶,麵團應該是不黏手的)
    5. 靜置麵團5-15分鐘
    6. 將麵團桿至2公分厚度,用切成直徑5公分的圓形(無法切成圓形,就切成正分形.形狀並不會影
    7. 刷上蛋液或撒上些麵粉,放司空在不黏的烤盤上
    8. 烤10-12分鐘直到金黃色

  1. Pre-heat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7
  2. Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Stir in the sugar, add the butter and rub quickly into the flour, creating a fine breadcrumb consistency.
  3. Add the milk, a little at a time, working to a smooth dough. (I didn't put in all the milk,because if I did, the batter would be too wet and sticky)
  4. This is now best left to rest for 5-15 minutes before rolling.
  5. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured work surface until 2cm/¾in thick. Using a 5cm/2in pastry cutter, cut the dough, using one sharp tap and not twisting the dough as you cut. Twisting the scone mix will result in an uneven rising.
  6. Once cut, the scones can be either brushed with the beaten egg for a shiny glaze, or dusted with the flour for a matt finish.
  7. Place the scones on a greased baking tray and bake in the pre-heated oven for 10-12 minutes until golden brown. Allow to cool slightly, and serve while still warm.

