
食譜 Recipe: Lemon Macaroons 檸檬馬卡龍 (中級 intermediate )

Lemon Macaroons 檸檬馬卡龍

Ingredients 材料

·         2 free-range egg whites, at room temperature 室溫下2個蛋白
·         40g caster sugar 白糖
·         110g icing sugar 糖粉
·         60g ground almonds 杏仁粉
·          1 lemon, finely grated zest only 檸檬皮
·         few drops yellow food colouring 黃色食用色素
      Any kind of jam for filling  果醬

Method 做法
  1. 過篩杏仁粉,糖粉至少兩次
  2. 打發蛋白與白糖,至蛋白霜堅挺,分次加入杏仁粉與糖粉,小心拌勻
  3. 加入黃色食用色素,稍微攪拌
  4. 將馬卡龍擠在不沾黏的烤紙上,約十元硬幣大小
  5. 室溫下靜置20分鐘,預熱烤箱180度
  6. 在馬卡龍表面撒上檸檬皮
  7. 烤10-15分鐘
  8. 取出放涼,小心移除馬卡龍
  9. 在馬卡龍中間擠上一些果醬,將2個馬卡龍黏在一起.
  1. Whisk the egg whites in a clean bowl until stiff peaks form when the whisk is removed. Gradually whisk in the caster sugar, a spoonful at a time, until thick and glossy.
  2. Sift the icing sugar and ground almonds into a bowl, then stir in the lemon zest and juice and a few drops of yellow food colouring. Fold in a third of the egg whites, then gradually fold in the remainder. Try not to overmix the batter - it should be smooth and glossy and when the spatula is lifted above the bowl, the mixture should fall back down in ribbons.
  3. Spoon the macaroon mixture into a piping bag, and pipe macaroon fingers about 5cm/2in long onto the baking paper, spacing them well apart. (You will need two fingers for each macaroon, so make sure you have an even number.) Set the macaroons aside at room temperature for about 20 minutes, or until a skin forms on top and the mixture doesn't stick to your finger when  touched. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180C/360F/gas 4.
  4. Bake the macaroons in the oven for 10-15 minutes, or until the macaroons have risen slightly (there should be a thin, frilled edge around the bottom, called 'feet') and are beginning to firm up. Remove from the oven and set aside to cool on the baking sheet. When cooled, carefully peel the macaroons away from the baking parchment. If they stick to the sheet, lightly wet the bottom of the parchment with water and they should come away easier.
  5. To serve, spoon any jam you perfer into a piping bag. Pipe a line of jam along one macaroon half, then sprinkle over a little bit of popping candy and sandwich with another macaroon half. Serve immediately.

