
食譜 Recipe: Wholemeal Bread 全麥麵包(簡單 Easy)

Wholemeal Bread 全麥麵包
I bake everyday. I like making bread and enjoy kneading a dough. It's really amazing that just water, yeast, and flour can create such an astonishing smell of heaven.

Ingredients 材料

225g strong wholemeal flour 全麥麵粉
225g strong white flour 高筋麵粉
2 tsp easy blend yeast 2茶匙乾酵母
2 tsp salt  2茶匙鹽
3 tsp brown sugar 3茶匙糖
400ml warm water 室溫水
50g melted, unsalted butter 融化無鹽奶油,室溫

Method 做法

1. 混合所有乾的材料. 加水與奶油攪拌均勻(太乾加點水,太濕加點麵粉),麵團應形成一球.
2. 在桌面上撒些麵粉,將麵團移至桌上,揉10-15分鐘直到麵團表面平滑,不黏手.
3. 用濕布將麵團蓋起來發酵,直到麵團兩倍大.
4. 略拍扁麵團,整形成球狀.再用濕布將麵團蓋起來發酵,直到兩倍大.
5. 預熱烤箱至220度(至少要在烤前15分鐘預熱)烤20分鐘,降火至200度,繼續烤15-20分鐘.直到麵包表面和底部都成金黃色.

1.Tip the flours, yeast, salt and sugar into a bowl and mix well. Add 300ml water, and stir in well, then pour in the butter and work in well. You should have a soft, sticky dough: if not, add a little more water. Cover and leave for 10 minutes.
2. Tip out on to a lightly oiled work surface and knead for 10-15 minutes until the dough is very smooth and not sticky.  Then put back in the bowl and cover.  then leave the dough to rest until it is double in size.
3. Flatten the dough carefully and shape into a ball again. Cover and leave to rest in a warm place until it has doubled in size(at least 1½ hours).
4. Pre-heat the oven to 220C. Bake the bread for 20 minutes, then turn the temperature down to 200C and cook for a further 15–20 minutes, until the crust is a deep brown, and the loaf sounds hollow when tapped. Turn out on to a cooling rack.


1 則留言:

  1. 莉雅,妳好:



