
食譜 Recipe:泡芙與巧克力醬 Puffs with homemade chocolate sauce (中級 intermediate )


Rachelle Allen一直是我非常喜歡的烘培師.我常常看她的烘培節目.

Ingredients 成分

·   100 g plain flour 中筋麵粉

·  150 ml water

·  75 g butter 奶油

·   3 eggs, beaten ,稍微攪拌 

2. 將水和奶油放在中型的鍋中,中大火加熱,不斷攪拌直到奶油溶化. 當所有的東西快要沸騰時,馬上 將鍋子移開爐子.
3.   倒入麵粉和鹽,用木製的湯匙攪拌至所有的東西結成一團.
4. 將鍋子放回爐子上,轉成中火,攪拌一分鐘,當鍋中的麵團在鍋底形成一成薄膜. 關掉爐火,冷卻  一分鐘
5.倒入1/4的蛋用木製的湯匙好好拌勻,持續分次加入蛋液,用力攪拌, 直到麵團應該是柔軟有光滑 
 許蛋液; 如果快速流下,表示蛋液太多,沒有支撐力形成泡芙)6.雖然麵糊一旦做好即可以使用,但是也可密封冷藏至12小時



Rachelle Allen has been one of my favorite pastry chef. I watch her TV baking show all the time. This is her recipe of choux pastry. I decorate these yummy puffs with homemade, very easy, chocolate sauce. These small puffs with bitter-sweet chocolate sauce taste as good as they look.
1. Sift the flour and a pinch of salt into a large bowl and set aside.
 2. Put the water and butter into a medium-sized saucepan with high sides (not a low sauté pan) set over a medium-high heat and stir until the butter melts. Allow the mixture to come to a rolling boil then immediately remove the pan from the heat.   
3. Add the flour and salt and beat very well with a wooden spoon until the mixture comes together.
4. Reduce the heat to medium and replace the saucepan, stirring for 1 minute until the mixture starts to ‘fur’ (slightly stick to the base of the pan). Remove from the heat and allow to cool for 1 minute. 
5. Pour about one-quarter of the beaten egg into the pan and, using the wooden spoon, beat very well. Add a little more egg and beat well again until the mixture comes back together. Continue to add the egg, beating vigorously all the time, until the mixture has softened, is nice and shiny and has a dropping consistency. You may not need to add all the egg or you may need a little extra. If the mixture is too stiff (not enough egg) then the choux pastries will be too heavy, but if the mixture is too wet (too much egg), they will not hold their shape when spooned onto baking paper. 
6.Although the pastry is best used right away, it can be placed in a bowl, covered and chilled for up to 12 hours, until ready to use.  

Bake 200C until puffs become golden and brown. How long puffs should bake depends on how big they are.


