
食譜 Recipe: Focaccia義式麵包 佛卡夏

 Focaccia 義式麵包 佛卡夏(中級)

Reminder: The most difficult part for making Focaccia is to control the very wet dough. I suggest beginners do not focus on too much shaping the dough. As long as the bread tastes good, that's all it matters. 
Key Points: High-quality olive oil/ sea salt. Infuse the oil with desired herbs(basil, rosemary, garlic...) a day in advance.

心得: Focaccia 對於新手來說,最難的地方是在於麵團含水量非常高,不好的掌握.我建議新手不要太在意形狀
a. 橄欖油是重點,一定要使用好的油.製作前一天可以先泡香料(任何您喜歡的香料都可以,例如:九層塔/羅勒,迷迭香….). 如此一來,麵包香味四溢
b. 好的海鹽也是重點
c. 食用時可搭配橄欖
Ps. 我義大利時發現一間生意非常好,非常不起眼的披薩店,老闆就是用Focaccia來當pizza的底,在麵團上舖上各式各樣配料,在拿去烤.非常受到當地人喜歡

 Ingredients 材料
·         500g/1lb 2oz strong white bread flour 高筋麵粉
·         2 tsp salt 2茶匙鹽
·         14g dried easy blend yeast 即時乾酵母
·         2 tbsp olive oil 2大匙橄欖油
·         400ml/14fl oz water 室溫下的水(酵母最適合生長的溫度是攝氏25度左右,太熱/冷都會影響發酵時間)
·         olive oil, for drizzling 橄欖油(淋在麵包上或沾著一起吃)
·         fine sea salt 海鹽(撒在麵包上)

Preparation method 做法

1. Place the flour, salt, yeast, olive oil and 300ml/10½fl oz of the water into a large bowl.  Gently stir with your hand or a wooden spoon to form a dough then knead the dough in the  bowl for five minutes, gradually adding the remaining water.
2.  Stretch the dough by hand in the bowl, tuck the sides into the centre, turn the bowl 80 degrees and repeat the process for about five minutes.
3.  Tip the dough onto an oiled work surface and continue kneading for five more minutes. Return the dough to the bowl, cover and leave to rise until doubled in size.
4. Line two large baking sheets with greaseproof paper. Tip the dough out of the bowl and divide into two portions. Flatten each portion onto a baking sheet, pushing to the corners, then leave to prove for one hour.
5.Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7. Drizzle the loaves with oil, sprinkle with fine sea salt then bake in the oven for 20 minutes. When cooked, drizzle with a little more olive oil and serve hot or warm.

1.      混和高筋麵粉,,即時乾酵母,橄欖油成麵糰,.持續拌揉至麵糰表面光滑
2.      覆蓋,靜置至兩倍大(發酵時間會因冬/夏天差別很多)
3.      將麵團移至烤盤上,用手指插入麵團中,目的是將麵團整成方形,而且不要完全押扁麵團裡  
4.      在烤盤內發酵至原本體積的兩倍(發酵時間會因冬/夏天差別很多)
5.      預熱烤箱220,
6.      烤前淋上橄欖油撒海鹽烤約20分鐘左右至表面金黃

Recipe from http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/focaccia_08389