
藍帶中級 第10週 Intermediate Pastry: Week 10

Customized Celebration Cake 節慶蛋糕(以顧客意見為主而設計的蛋糕)
Almost everything on the cake is edible 蛋糕上幾乎所有東西都是可食的

Pulled Sugar 拉糖

藍帶中級 第9週 Intermediate Pastry: Week 9

Fondant au Chocolat avec Sirop d'Orange et Gingembre Caramelise
(Chocolate Fondant with Orange and Ginger Syrup) 巧克力火漿融岩蛋糕

Delices aux Bananes (Banana Mousse) 香蕉慕斯蛋糕

Tarte Tatin (Upside-down Caramelised Apple Tart) 蘋果塔

藍帶中級 第8週 Intermediate Pastry: Week 8

Chocolate Picture Center-piece 巧克力人物畫


英國倫敦 Afternoon Tea in Ritz 至少要一個月前預定的倫敦麗緻下午茶

The Ritz maintains the most famous afternoon tea services in London and possibly the world. Tables must be reserved up to a month in advance. The decor and ambiance are absolutely marvelous.

為了吃倫敦麗緻下午茶 ,我在一個月前就先訂位.但還是訂不到週末的位子.


英國倫敦 two Michelin star restaurant - Pied a Terre 米其林2星餐廳

I truly loved this dining experience. The food was amazing. Their prices were reasonable considering their Michelin ranking in London.

我好喜歡這裡的每一樣食物.非常的美味,可以吃出主廚的用心. 我想我很快會再次光顧